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New editor and final preparations for v3.0

#16324 (ツ) johnfound
Last edited: 07.06.2023 by johnfound, read: 2705 times

I have updated the forum with the latest v3.0RC.

The main new feature is the new unified editor that shares the same code for the new posts/threads and editing existing posts and thread attributes.

Another new feature is that the attached files now are instantly accessible for use in the new posts. No need to edit the post in order to add attached images.

Direct paste of copied images from the clipboard is also implemented. This way, no need to use intermediate files in order to repost images from web sites, messengers, etc.

For example, I have selected and copied this in GIMP and pasted in the post:!attached/83

The limitation is that the browser converts everything to PNG.

Attached files:
FileSizeUploadedDownloadsMD5 hash
image.png442065 bytes19.05.20231000fabd2c226d1abfdab2db6724e26be7b4
#16325 (ツ) Jeff
Created 20.05.2023, read: 2691 times

Hi john

Will this version add the features from with the templates there? See- i have foumd that 2 suport forums confusing.

And these changes-

2. I just updated and repost my articles from version 2.9 will there be a problem?

3. Is there a way to "don't have" so many forum templates i just need 1. thanks Jeff

#16326 (ツ) johnfound
Created 22.05.2023, read: 2675 times

Hi john

Will this version add the features from with the templates there? See- i have foumd that 2 suport forums confusing.

And these changes-

2. I just updated and repost my articles from version 2.9 will there be a problem?

3. Is there a way to "don't have" so many forum templates i just need 1. thanks Jeff

Hi, Jeff.

1. I have no access to the sources of and unfortunately I even don't know whether they do it with or without modifications of the back-end.

In addition, v3.0, in order to provide unified post editor, has big changes in the back-end and also in the front-end. This way, the Tailwind theme also need to be seriously modified. Fortunately, this modifications are mainly simplifications and file deletions (with the exception of the form_edit.tpl template) but still.

2. The format of the MiniMag and BBCode markups is not changed at all. So, everything should be compatible. Notice that several bug fixes has been made there but not concerning the compatibility.

3. Are you talking about the themes, or you need to use one .tpl file for all the forum?

#16327 (ツ) Jeff
Created 22.05.2023, read: 2670 times

Dear John

I Just need 1 theme not Mutiple ones.

Will upgrading to 3.0 solve my current problems?

I could not find the way to link some images, for example,

Is there a way to link an image in the attachment to the blog post?

Also, I need help to make the Youtube video work on my forum.

#16328 (ツ) johnfound
Created 22.05.2023, read: 2668 times

Dear John

I Just need 1 theme not Mutiple ones.

Will upgrading to 3.0 solve my current problems?

I could not find the way to link some images, for example,

Is there a way to link an image in the attachment to the blog post?

Also, I need help to make the Youtube video work on my forum.

One theme is easy:

1. Set AsmBB to have the chosen theme as default (settings|features|Default skin + Default mobile skin)

2. Check the desired theme for symlinks and copy all the symlinked files from their origin into the directory of the desired theme.

3. Delete all the directories of the themes but the desired one.

AsmBB manages the themes automatically you don't need to restart the engine or to make any other changes.

Updating to v3.0

It is hardly recommended. Because there are new useful features (instant access to the attached files during the initial post - In v2.X you can attach files, but have access to them only after saving the post and then edit it again).

Also, in v3.0 many security vulnerabilities has been fixed. Although, the latest v2.9 versions has been fixed as well. This is the latest version of v2.9 that can be used with the old templates, but has the vulnerabilities fixed: 0ae1a653c6926528

So, the resolution: If you have your own theme and don't want to change it according the v3.0 back-end interface, update to 0ae1a653c6926528.

If you are using some of the provided themes in AsmBB, update to v3.0;

In both cases, if you have already existing database, some modifications are mandatory. I will publish a migration script with the official release of v3.0, but it can be easily created by yourself by diff of the previous and the current file "create.sql"

Something like this: (you can see, that the changes are actually not so serious).


You should be able to link any images, except if the remote server forbids such link. In this case you can't do anything. It is a matter of third party permissions.

But the image you posted seems to be accessible:



About YouTube, I am not very sure how to do it at all.

When I figure out how to implement it in a safe enough manner, I will do it. Also, the implementation should be not specific only for YouTube. Locking in to some particular provider is not what I want to hard code in AsmBB.

This makes the problem even harder - for example through some external plugins or something.

#16329 (ツ) Jeff
Last edited: 22.05.2023 by Jeff, read: 2666 times

Dear john

thanks for your help

I have the solution for you. Read this and then let me know if this works. I was going to do this at my forum , but i need to check with you first.

See- and

Also- The fon't sizes are a problem on this forum(sized for readability. Se 1.2, 1.3 .1.4 and 1.5-

#16330 (ツ) johnfound
Last edited: 29.05.2023 by johnfound, read: 2618 times

Also, I need help to make the Youtube video work on my forum.

Jeff, look at this: c444e030d2548dae checkin. It contains an experimental front-end implementation of embedding YouTube and Vimeo videos.

Use it as normal video with the URL of the video:




The result is:

#16331 (ツ) \o/
Created 06.06.2023, read: 2578 times

Why PNG and not WebP though?

#16332 (ツ) \o/
Created 06.06.2023, read: 2567 times

Apropos: Updated German language attached (grammar improvements, missing translations).

Attached files:
FileSizeUploadedDownloadsMD5 hash
patch.diff4434 bytes06.06.2023243b20c1d0b8921b2a96b7cde87e27d2268
#16334 (ツ) johnfound
Created 07.06.2023, read: 2549 times

Why PNG and not WebP though?

Well, it is the browser that pastes in PNG (in Linux, though). The JS part will upload whatever image is in the clipboard.

#16335 (ツ) johnfound
Created 07.06.2023, read: 2548 times

Apropos: Updated German language attached (grammar improvements, missing translations).

Thanks. Will merge it in the next minor update.

#16342 (ツ) johnfound
Created 09.06.2023, read: 2530 times

Apropos: Updated German language attached (grammar improvements, missing translations).

Thanks. Will merge it in the next minor update.

I have merged the fixes. But notice, that your attached diff file is actually broken. The umlaut characters are not UTF-8 encoded. For example: Forumsbeiträge.

Anyway, I was able to "decrypt" them, so thank you for the contribution.

Here is the result diff:

Index: www/templates/Urban Sunrise/chat.tpl
--- www/templates/Urban Sunrise/chat.tpl
+++ www/templates/Urban Sunrise/chat.tpl
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@
   [equ:noscript=Le chat demande JS en raison de sa nature. Utilisez plutôt les messages du forum.]
   [equ:phNick=Nom d'utilisateur]
   [equ:phText=Tippen Sie hier. Mit Strg+Enter wird die Nachricht gesendet.]
-  [equ:noscript=Chat erfordert aufgrund seiner Beschaffenheit JS. Verwenden Sie stattdessen die Forumsbeiträge.]
+  [equ:noscript=Der Chat erfordert aufgrund seiner Beschaffenheit JavaScript. Verwenden Sie stattdessen Forumsbeiträge.]
 <svg version="1.1" style="position:absolute; width:0px; height:0px;" xmlns="">
   <radialGradient id="a" cx="9.71" cy="8.79" r="7.5" gradientTransform="matrix(0 1.34 -2.22 -8.04e-7 34.5 10.1)" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse">

Index: www/templates/Urban Sunrise/main_html_start.tpl
--- www/templates/Urban Sunrise/main_html_start.tpl
+++ www/templates/Urban Sunrise/main_html_start.tpl
@@ -97,11 +97,11 @@
   [equ:ttlAllThreads=Alle Themen zeigen]
-  [equ:ttlNotifications=Off/On the real time notifications]
+  [equ:ttlNotifications=Echtzeitbenachrichtigungen an/aus]

Index: www/templates/Wasp/chat.tpl
--- www/templates/Wasp/chat.tpl
+++ www/templates/Wasp/chat.tpl
@@ -311,10 +311,14 @@
   [equ:phText=Напиши здесь]
   [equ:phNick=Nom d'utilisateur]
   [equ:phText=Taper ici]
+  [equ:btnForum=Forum]
+  [equ:phNick=Benutzername]
+  [equ:phText=Hier eingeben]
   <div class="chat">
     <div class="ui">
       <a class="ui" href="/">[const:btnForum]</a>

Index: www/templates/Wasp/post_view.tpl
--- www/templates/Wasp/post_view.tpl
+++ www/templates/Wasp/post_view.tpl
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
-  [equ:tPosts=Posts]
+  [equ:tPosts=Beiträge]
   [equ:tCreated=Erstellt am [PostTime]]
   [equ:tEdited=Zuletzt geändert: [EditTime] von]
   [equ:tRead=gelesen: [ReadCount]-mal]
   [equ:ttlQuote=Diesen Beitrag zitieren]
   [equ:ttlEdit=Diesen Beitrag ändern]

Index: www/templates/Wasp/userinfo.tpl
--- www/templates/Wasp/userinfo.tpl
+++ www/templates/Wasp/userinfo.tpl
@@ -105,11 +105,11 @@
     <h1>Statistiken für [usr:[UserName]]:</h1>
       <li>Zuletzt gesehen am <b>[LastSeen]</b></li>
       [case:[user_perm31]||<li>Ist ein <b>Administrator</b></li>]
-      <li>Kann [case:[user_perm0]|<b>nicht</b> |]<b>sich anmelden</b></li>
+      <li>Kann <b>sich [case:[user_perm0]|<b>nicht</b> |]anmelden</b></li>
       <li>Kann [case:[user_perm1]|<b>nicht</b> |]Beiträge <b>lesen</b></li>
       <li>Kann [case:[user_perm9]|<b>nicht</b> |]angehängte Dateien <b>herunterladen</b></li>
       <li>Kann [case:[user_perm2]|<b>nicht</b> |]auf Themen <b>antworten</b></li>
       <li>Kann [case:[user_perm3]|<b>nicht</b> |]neue Themen <b>eröffnen</b></li>

Index: www/templates/mobile/form_edit.tpl
--- www/templates/mobile/form_edit.tpl
+++ www/templates/mobile/form_edit.tpl
@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@
   [equ:hintPreview=Strg+Eingabe für eine Vorschau]
   [equ:hintSubmit=Strg+S zum Absenden]
   [equ:Attach=Datei(en) anhängen]
-  [equ:FileLimit=(count ≤ 10, size ≤ 1MB)]
+  [equ:FileLimit=(Anzahl ≤ 10, Größe ≤ 1MB)]
 <div class="ui">
   <a class="ui left" href="../">The thread</a>
   <a class="ui left" href="[case:[id]|[case:[special:page]|.|!by_id]|!by_id]">Back</a>

New editor and final preparations for v3.0

AsmBB v3.0 (check-in: a316dab8b98d07d9); SQLite v3.42.0 (check-in: 831d0fb2836b71c9);
©2016..2023 John Found; Licensed under EUPL. Powered by Assembly language Created with Fresh IDE