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Using nonenglish letters and spaces in user name and error

#15699 (ツ) ufuk
Last edited: 28.11.2018 by ufuk, read: 4122 times


Some users registered with nicknames these contain nonenglish letters and spaces. Now these user pages are not available. How can we block to use of nonenglish letters and spaces in usernames while showing a warning message ?

Please see;!users/1!userinfo/G%C4%B1dac%C4%B1lar

Thank you.

#15700 (ツ) johnfound
Created 28.11.2018, read: 4120 times


Some users registered with nicknames these contain nonenglish letters and spaces. Now these user pages are not available. How can we block to use of nonenglish letters and spaces in usernames while showing a warning message ?

Please see;!users/1!userinfo/G%C4%B1dac%C4%B1lar

Thank you.

Hm. There is no need to block the users. AsmBB should be Unicode compatible. So, the users should be able to register in any language.

But all this is well tested only with Cyrillic and Latin languages. I mean, wrong behavior in this should be considered a bug and should be fixed. I will investigate this and fix it as soon as possible.

#15701 (ツ) johnfound
Created 28.11.2018, read: 4119 times

Well, I see now. The problem is not in the non english letters. This very username has a space at the end. The profile and login are available, if the user enters a space at the end of the username.

This is the correct link to the profile:!userinfo/G%C4%B1dac%C4%B1lar%20

Actually there was a bug related to the spaces at the end of the user names. It was reported here and fixed in this check-in. Updating to the latest version of the engine should fix all similar issues.

Unfortunately, this update requires mandatory updating of the skin templates as well, so you may have some work to be done with merging the changes of the templates with your custom skin. :-(

#15722 (ツ) ufuk
Created 04.12.2018, read: 4105 times

Well, I see now. The problem is not in the non english letters. This very username has a space at the end. The profile and login are available, if the user enters a space at the end of the username.

This is the correct link to the profile:!userinfo/G%C4%B1dac%C4%B1lar%20

Actually there was a bug related to the spaces at the end of the user names. It was reported here and fixed in this check-in. Updating to the latest version of the engine should fix all similar issues.

Unfortunately, this update requires mandatory updating of the skin templates as well, so you may have some work to be done with merging the changes of the templates with your custom skin. :-(

hi john,

i dont want users add space between two words and use it as nickname. And also they use eamils as nicknames. How can i fix this. thank you.

#15723 (ツ) johnfound
Created 04.12.2018, read: 4104 times

hi john,

i dont want users add space between two words and use it as nickname. And also they use eamils as nicknames. How can i fix this. thank you.

Well, the spaces inside the user name are allowed (but not at the start and at the end). Fixing it will need changes to the engine code. But I don't want to make this restriction, simply because can't see what is the problem with such names??? Let your users use whatever they want. It is harmless or even good for the forum community.

The login with the email also needs changes, but is actually reasonable feature. I will include it in the to-do list and will implement it at the first chance.

But notice (if you have such expectations) that this feature, does not actually increase the accounts security level.

#15724 (ツ) ufuk
Created 04.12.2018, read: 4101 times

hi john,

i dont want users add space between two words and use it as nickname. And also they use eamils as nicknames. How can i fix this. thank you.

Well, the spaces inside the user name are allowed (but not at the start and at the end). Fixing it will need changes to the engine code. But I don't want to make this restriction, simply because can't see what is the problem with such names??? Let your users use whatever they want. It is harmless or even good for the forum community.

The login with the email also needs changes, but is actually reasonable feature. I will include it in the to-do list and will implement it at the first chance.

But notice (if you have such expectations) that this feature, does not actually increase the accounts security level.

thanks. i am sorry , i am new. which program should i use to edit engine ?

#15725 (ツ) johnfound
Created 04.12.2018, read: 4100 times

thanks. i am sorry , i am new. which program should i use to edit engine ?

You will need Fresh IDE or FASM and some assembly language skills.

Read more in these threads: - main download and compile guide. - possible problems. - use FASM instead of Fresh IDE.

The register/login/logout code is located in the file source/accounts.asm

Using nonenglish letters and spaces in user name and error

AsmBB v3.0 (check-in: a316dab8b98d07d9); SQLite v3.42.0 (check-in: 831d0fb2836b71c9);
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