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#15629 (ツ) jose
Created 18.11.2018, read: 4297 times

How can i recreate subforum functionality?

Maybe only allowed to post if one tag was selected when creating post.

#15630 (ツ) johnfound
Last edited: 18.11.2018 by johnfound, read: 4292 times

How can i recreate subforum functionality?

Maybe only allowed to post if one tag was selected when creating post.

The subforums (or categories as named in AsmBB) are a special kind of tags. The tags in AsmBB are created by users on the first use in a thread. If the user creates a tag with description (in a form of tag_word:description) this tag becomes a category and will be listed in /!categories list.

Read more about it in these threads:

Create and managing categories

Delete and other handling tricks

Another thread explaining categories

P.S. If a tag (or a category) was selected when creating new thread, this tag will be added automatically to the thread tags.

#15631 (ツ) jose
Created 18.11.2018, read: 4288 times

I realize i misunderstood categories and tags. Sorry for that

#15632 (ツ) johnfound
Created 18.11.2018, read: 4286 times

I realize i misunderstood categories and tags. Sorry for that

The whole idea is to give the users ability to change the forum structure in the most useful way. This design was inspired by the observation that most of the old forums have outdated and not very useful subforum structure, because of historical reasons. It is ordinary situation when some of the subforums are overloaded with posts and others are not used at all.


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