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#15879 (ツ) johnfound
Created 03.06.2019, read: 3435 times

However, all this does not affect my opinion on UTF-8 encoding.

All problems with UTF-8 are highly overestimated. You simply need to give it a try. UTF-8 is actually beautiful! And very assembly friendly. It is a sequence of bytes after all.

#15883 (ツ) KyberMax
Last edited: 04.06.2019 by KyberMax, read: 3427 times

All problems with UTF-8 are highly overestimated.

Maybe. But it depends on what and where to use it - because everything is relative. Yes, the source code of the programs are really compact and compatible with old compilers, since the first 128 characters are the same as in ASCII. But if you include characters with an encoding of 80-7FF, then this will require already 2 bytes per char (as in UTF-16). And for characters 800-FFFF - already 3 bytes per char (and this is already worse than that of UTF-16).

Thus, the effectiveness of this encoding is determined by the set of characters used. But the price for this - variable number of bytes per character is a disadvantage, although, of course, also relative. And if it is still convenient to use for storing and sending text (still depending on the character set), then using this encoding in the editor is stupid, imho.

It is also stupid to use UTF-8 encoding in the OS, where UTF-16 is native.


You simply need to give it a try.

UTF-8 (common case when max.string length is unknown):

setTextArrU PROC hdlg:HWND, pausz:PUSZ, nusz:ND, itxt:ID
LOCAL lusz: ND
LOCAL lwsz: ND
	INVOKE lstrlenA, pausz
	MOV	lusz, EAX		; Length of utf8 stringz in bytes
; Get utf16 buffer length
	INVOKE MultiByteToWideChar, CP_UTF8, NULL, pausz, lusz, NULL, NULL
	TEST	EAX, EAX		; Requred utf16 buffer chars
	JZ	exit			; =0: EPIC FAIL!!11
	ADD	EAX, EAX		; Chars->bytes
	MOV	lwsz, EAX		; Length of utf16 buffer in bytes
; Allocate utf16 buffer
	INVOKE LocalAlloc, LMEM_FIXED, lwsz
	TEST	EAX, EAX		; Pointer?
	JZ	exit			; =0: EPIC FAIL!!11
	MOV	pwsz, EAX		; Pointer for utf16 stringz buffer 
; Convert utf8->utf16
	INVOKE MultiByteToWideChar, CP_UTF8, NULL, pausz, lusz, pwsz, lwsz
; And only now set text
	INVOKE SendDlgItemMessageW, hdlg, itxt, WM_SETTEXT, NULL, pwsz
; Free utf16 buffer
	INVOKE LocalFree, pwsz
	DEC	nusz
	JZ	exit
	INC	itxt
	MOV	EAX, lusz
	ADD	pausz, EAX		; Next string
	JMP	sendloop
setTextArrU ENDP


setTextArrW PROC hdlg:HWND, pawsz:PWSZ, nwsz:ND, itxt:ID
	INVOKE SendDlgItemMessageW, hdlg, itxt, WM_SETTEXT, NULL, pawsz
	DEC	nwsz
	JZ	exit
	INC	itxt
	INVOKE lstrlenW, pawsz
	INC	EAX			; Skip 0
	ADD	EAX, EAX		; Words->Bytes
	ADD	pawsz, EAX		; Next string
	JMP	sendloop
setTextArrW ENDP

UTF-8 is actually beautiful! And very assembly friendly. It is a sequence of bytes after all.

Yes, a sequence of characters of variable length (I would not like to write an editor for this encoding) - I don’t think that UTF-8 is more friendly than a simple sequence of characters of constant length.

It is possible that a good solution would be to create your own internal 4-byte format for the convenience of working with Unicode.

#15885 (ツ) johnfound
Created 05.06.2019, read: 3420 times

It is possible that a good solution would be to create your own internal 4-byte format for the convenience of working with Unicode.

It has a name: UTF-32. This is the another Unicode encoding that worth. If you really, really want to have fixed length character encoding. But in FreshLib I decided not to use it. Simply because the effort handling UTF-8 is really lower than the memory waste by using UTF-32.

#15886 (ツ) KyberMax
Last edited: 05.06.2019 by KyberMax, read: 3415 times

It has a name: UTF-32.

I know that there is such a encoding. But I'm talking about the internal format for the most rapid work with large amounts of text. To do this, it is not necessary to do full conversion. For example, your DecodeUtf16 procedure can be shortened to this type:

proc DecodeUtf16, .chars
        mov     eax, [.chars]
        cmp     ax, $d800
        jb      .direct
        cmp     ax, $dc00
        jae     .direct

;		        sub     ax, $d800
;		        movzx   ecx, ax
;		        shr     eax, 16
;		        shl     ecx, 10
;		        sub     ax, $dc00
;		        or      eax, ecx

        mov     edx, 4
        jmp     .decoded
;		        cmp     eax, $110000
;		        jb      .decoded

;		        xor     eax, eax
;		        xor     edx, edx
;		        stc
;		        return

        mov     edx, 2
        and     eax, $ffff


I'm just trying to imagine what is needed for the fastest and easiest processing of Unicode text.


But in FreshLib I decided not to use it. Simply because the effort handling UTF-8 is really lower than the memory waste by using UTF-32.

This is because your library is used by you for programs designed to process relatively small amounts of text using an already existing API. For this, this approach is quite acceptable. But if you had to write a text editor without an API or browser, this approach most likely would not suit you.

Yesterday, on your advice, I tried to use UTF-8 in the source code - I had a lot of fun. Where were you before? It really works even for such a product as Masm. Of course, before writing the converter, I tried to find a solution with Unicode, but I only came across examples using macros, strings in resources, and defining character codes via EQU. I also found the MultiByteToWideChar procedure in the documentation, but because of the old documentation and the Masm-package, there was no description of the UTF-8 transcoding flag.

However, even if I found a solution with this encoding, I would still write a converter to support UTF-16, since the solution with this encoding is almost perfect imho.

By the way, for this test I divided the example with unicode into two subprojects: with UTF-8 and with UTF-16, and both blessed by SkyNet.

Attached files:
FileSizeUploadedDownloadsMD5 hash
HelloUcW.7z11176 bytes05.06.2019484de02f93c17e7de77cfbbe104010772d5
#15898 (ツ) KyberMax
Last edited: 14.06.2019 by KyberMax, read: 3386 times

SkyNet, though blessed to split the project into two, but noticed that two almost identical files are too non-kosher, so I merged two projects into one again, for which I had to slightly modify the converter. Now it has a size of as much as 8 kilobytes and converts to formats: ASCII, UTF-8 (chars or hex.bytes), UTF-16 hex.words and UTF-32 hex.dwords. It also supports overriding formats in the source with the help of prefix letters defining the format as in the command line, but only in capital letters. For example:

AsciiChars	CHAR	A"This is ASCII string, in chars", 0
Utf8Chars	CHAR	C"This is UTF-8 string, in chars", 0
Utf8HexBytes	CHAR	B"This is UTF-8 string, in hex.bytes", 0
Utf16HexWords	WCHAR	W"This is UTF-16 string, in hex.words", 0	; Instead of c "L"
Utf32HexDwords	DCHAR	D"This is UTF-32 string, in hex.dwords", 0

Also the "IDE" batch file was rewritten, with which you can choose all these formats.

Attached files:
FileSizeUploadedDownloadsMD5 hash
HelloUcW.7z8538 bytes14.06.2019478674c8fa88ec1a55688ccc3ab9c6c7afd
Uasm2asm.7z4167 bytes14.06.201948545ea2ca1282ac30e222d84fcfd8dd3b9
#15906 (ツ) KyberMax
Last edited: 21.06.2019 by KyberMax, read: 3365 times

The next extension of the converter's capabilities: now it is possible to save Unicode strings not only in Little Ednian, but also in the Big Endian format. Overriding prefixes are now the same as the uo option parameters:

AsciiChars		CHAR	a"This is ASCII string, in chars", 0
Utf8Chars		CHAR	c"This is UTF-8 string, in chars", 0
Utf8HexBytes		CHAR	b"This is UTF-8 string, in hex.bytes", 0
Utf16LeHexWords		WCHAR	w"This is UTF-16LE string, in hex.words", 0
Utf16BeHexWords		WCHAR	W"This is UTF-16BE string, in hex.words", 0
Utf32LeHexDwords	DCHAR	d"This is UTF-32LE string, in hex.dwords", 0
Utf32BeHexDwords	DCHAR	D"This is UTF-32BE string, in hex.dwords", 0

The "IDE" on batch file was refined: now the example demonstrates the possibility of creating a cross-platform program in the native unicode encoding of the target OS (Windows and Linux) on MASM Assembler.

Of course, unlike JWASM and UASM, MASM cannot create object files in ELF format. So to get this format, I used the very cool utility objconv by Agner Fog.

Here is a screenshot of the result of the HelloUcW example in Linux console:

So now you can also not insert the utf-8 to utf-16 conversion code at every output of any string when porting Fresh IDE to Windows (of course, if you use the converter).

In general, it is now possible to easily create a cross-platform code with native unicode encoding for Linux and Windows on MASM, and this undoubtedly speeds up the creation of Russian Linux, and therefore accelerates the advent of SkyNet.

To swim or not to swim, that is the question...

Attached files:
FileSizeUploadedDownloadsMD5 hash
Uasm2asm.7z4248 bytes21.06.2019470afae96adcedb97da739b6706b27f4b0c
HelloUcW.7z13959 bytes21.06.20194819c02ab8fc3e3a5e3e7e23639f8159968
#15910 (ツ) KyberMax
Created 28.06.2019, read: 3334 times

Now the converter can work with utf-8 source.

Unicode UTF-8/16 To ASCII Assembly Source Converter v1.80
Coded in Masm32 by KyberMax (C:)TeraHard Labs  2015, 2019
  uasm2asm <command> [/|-<option> ...] <UnicodeSrc>[.ext] [AsciiSrc[.ext]]
  ?      : Help
  c      : Convert
  16     : .RADIX 16 in source (drop h suffix)
  f      : Formatted hex.numbers (don't drop leading zeros)
  pc <c> : Prefix of Comment directive (one char.only)
  ph <s> : Prefix of Hexadecimal numbers (two chars max.)
  rq     : Replace string Quotation marks ' by "
  uo <c> : Unicode string convertion Output format
      a  : Ascii
      c  : utf-8, in Chars
      b  : utf-8, in hex.Bytes
      w  : utf-16le, in hex.Words (default)
      W  : utf-16be, in hex.Words
      d  : utf-32le, in hex.Dwords
      D  : utf-32be, in hex.Dwords
  us <c> : Unicode format of Source (if no BOM)
      c  : utf-8
      w  : utf-16le (default)
      W  : utf-16be
Attached files:
FileSizeUploadedDownloadsMD5 hash
Uasm2asm.7z4621 bytes28.06.2019476a4cf1f9e4408156c3cf3541ea14adc1e
#15913 (ツ) KyberMax
Created 02.07.2019, read: 3323 times

Now the converter is ported to Linux. It is assembled on Windows 7-64 in Masm32 and works exclusively on INT 80h as SUDDENLY in the Masm32 package there were no Linux libraries.

In general, it was a real antique adventure: what could be more fun than remaking libraries into support mode for two operating systems? But now it is possible to build programs (so far only console programs) for different systems, choosing the necessary system by pressing two buttons.

The converter was tested on a 32-bit Bionic Beaver, which stands on a virtual machine, which stands on Windows 7-64.

Try to reduce a certain amount of code when porting Fresh to Windows.

Attached files:
FileSizeUploadedDownloadsMD5 hash
Uasm2asm.7z9522 bytes02.07.20194818f15b4d6d5fef5ab2ef2a08397eb38ab
#15921 (ツ) KyberMax
Last edited: 19.07.2019 by KyberMax, read: 3269 times

Hi, johnfound, the cyborg has the Gospel for you: just look at this screenshoot.

The source is based on Hello example from fasm pack.

; example of simplified Windows programming using complex macro features

include ''		; you can simply switch between win32ax, win32wx, win64ax and win64wx here
include 'encoding\'	; utf8 to utf16 conversion macros

CR      = $D
LF      = $A


        invoke  MessageBox, HWND_DESKTOP, uszHello, "Hello, Fasm Utf16 World!", MB_OK
        invoke  ExitProcess, CR, LF

uszGreek        du      "Γεια σου κόσμε!", CR, LF
uszItalian      du      "Ciao, mondo!", CR, LF
uszFrench       du      "Bonjour le monde!", CR, LF
uszSpanish      du      "Hola Mundo!", CR, LF
uszEnglish      du      "Hello, World!", CR, LF
uszGerman       du      "Hallo Welt!", CR, LF
uszHindi        du      "नमस्ते दुनिया!", CR, LF
uszArabian      du      "!مرحبا بالعالم", CR, LF
uszHebrew       du      "!שלום עולם", CR, LF
uszChinese      du      "你好,世界!", CR, LF
uszJapanese     du      "こんにちは世界!", CR, LF
uszKorean       du      "안녕, 세상!", CR, LF
uszVietnamese   du      "Xin Chào, Thế Giới!", CR, LF
uszMongolian    du      "Сайн байна уу, Дэлхийн!", CR, LF
uszTurkish      du      "Selam Dünya!", CR, LF
uszAzerbaijani  du      "Salam, Dünya!", CR, LF
uszUzbek        du      "Salom Dunyo!", CR, LF
uszKazakh       du      "Сәлем Әлем!", CR, LF
uszTajik        du      "Салом, ҶАҲОН!", CR, LF
uszFinnish      du      "Height maailma!", CR, LF
uszEstonian     du      "Tere, Maailm!", CR, LF
uszArmenian     du      "Բարեւ Աշխարհը!", CR, LF
uszGeorgian     du      "გამარჯობა მსოფლიო!", CR, LF
uszSerbian      du      "Здраво, Свет!", CR, LF
uszBulgarian    du      "Здравей, Свят!", CR, LF
uszCroatian     du      "Zdravo, svijete!", CR, LF
uszCzech        du      "Ahoj světe!", CR, LF
uszPolish       du      "Witaj, Świecie!", CR, LF
uszUkrainian    du      "Привіт, Світ!", CR, LF
uszBelarusian   du      "Прывітанне Сусвет!", CR, LF
uszRussian      du      "Дратути!", 0

.end start

I dug out this macro last week. So now you can use native unicode in Windows without any converter or recoding utf-8 to utf-16 on the fly in the program.

It's funny that this macro was written back in 2013 (judging by the file date), but for some reason it hasn’t written an example based on it yet (perhaps because fasm ide does not display unicode).

#15922 (ツ) johnfound
Created 19.07.2019, read: 3266 times

Hi, johnfound, the cyborg has the Gospel for you: just look at this screenshoot.

Well, I know about this macro, but as I already said, I am considering UTF-16 as a very bad practice and think that working with UTF-8 (and partially with UTF-32 if you really, really need fixed size characters) is much more elegant and correct.

#15923 (ツ) KyberMax
Created 19.07.2019, read: 3265 times

...I am considering UTF-16 as a very bad practice and think that working with UTF-8 (and partially with UTF-32 if you really, really need fixed size characters) is much more elegant and correct.

The point here is not a fixed width of characters, but the fact that utf-16 is a native encoding in Windows. Therefore, the use of this encoding is the most elegant and correct (as well as the simplest - because the less code, the fewer errors, is not it?)


Well, I know about this macro...

This is also very strange, why have you not written here about this macro before?

#15924 (ツ) johnfound
Created 19.07.2019, read: 3263 times

The point here is not a fixed width of characters, but the fact that utf-16 is a native encoding in Windows. Therefore, the use of this encoding is the most elegant and correct (as well as the simplest - because the less code, the fewer errors, is not it?)

Currently I am working on FreshLib and it is not Windows library, but portable. And because I am trying to keep the OS dependent layer as small as possible (in order to be easy portable to new systems), the library can't use the native encoding for every OS.

In addition, most of the code of the library is OS independent, so the conversions from/to the native encoding is only when there is a need to pass the strings to the OS API. For example in order to set the window title, or similar. Which does not affect the performance so much.


This is also very strange, why have you not written here about this macro before?

I have never used this macro. Because of the above reasons.

#15925 (ツ) KyberMax
Created 19.07.2019, read: 3262 times

...I am working on FreshLib and it is not Windows library, but portable. And because I am trying to keep the OS dependent layer as small as possible (in order to be easy portable to new systems), the library can't use the native encoding for every OS.

I know this, but wouldn't the use of different Unicode macros (or converter) reduce the dependent level?


...the conversions from/to the native encoding is only when there is a need to pass the strings to the OS API. For example in order to set the window title, or similar. Which does not affect the performance so much.

Yes, I saw the source code of your library. In my opinion, this is not a matter of performance, but of excess code, which also requires memory allocation. IMHO, this unnecessarily complicates the matter.


I have never used this macro...

Well, I asked not about that.

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