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AsmBB installation in 2 minutes: Video

#15793 (ツ) johnfound
Last edited: 02.04.2019 by johnfound, read: 6142 times

Of course, this is not a production installation. Simply small demo how easy is to install AsmBB.

For the production installation, you will need only more precise tuning of the web server settings and some mechanism for automatic start of the programs.

If your browser can't show the video, see it on YouTube.

#15794 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 03.04.2019, read: 6135 times

Thanks Johnfound, very detail for new user :-D

First time I see how rwasa server work, look promising ;-)

#15795 (ツ) johnfound
Created 03.04.2019, read: 6131 times

Thanks Johnfound, very detail for new user :-D

First time I see how rwasa server work, look promising ;-)

Unfortunately, RWASA does not support server side events, so with AsmBB the real-time chat is not working. But this can be changed in the future. Anyway, RWASA is really great project and amazingly fast server. :-)

#15796 (ツ) johnfound
Last edited: 04.04.2019 by johnfound, read: 6101 times

Thanks Johnfound, very detail for new user :-D

First time I see how rwasa server work, look promising ;-)

Unfortunately, RWASA does not support server side events, so with AsmBB the real time chat is not working. But this can be changed in the future. Anyway, RWASA is really great project and amazingly fast server. :-)

Sorry, but I have lied unintentionally! Actually the latest RWASA v1.24 do supports server sent events and the AsmBB chat works just fine. I had an old version installed.

#15875 (ツ) KimDiscord
Created 03.06.2019, read: 5766 times

Of course, this is not a production installation. Simply small demo how easy is to install AsmBB.

For the production installation, you will need only more precise tuning of the web server settings and some mechanism for automatic start of the programs.

If your browser can't show the video, see it on YouTube.

Thanks. :-)

#15972 (ツ) gheg
Created 07.10.2019, read: 5261 times

Of course, this is not a production installation. Simply small demo how easy is to install AsmBB.

For the production installation, you will need only more precise tuning of the web server settings and some mechanism for automatic start of the programs.

If your browser can't show the video, see it on YouTube.


#15999 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Last edited: 02.02.2020 by ganuonglachanh , read: 4688 times

Hi Johnfound

There's a bug in new version of asmbb when we use encrypted forum database password. I tested with rwasa server, when the engine in crash, we need enter password to continue, but the rwasa return the 'index and input password' page in plaintext, so it was not render as html >> no FORM to input password and submit. Only way to overcome this issue is to manually submit html form via other HTTP tool.

Please have a check :-)

Thanks and best wishes!

#16000 (ツ) johnfound
Created 02.02.2020, read: 4684 times

Hi Johnfound

There's a bug in new version of asmbb when we use encrypted forum database password. I tested with rwasa server, when the engine in crash, we need enter password to continue, but the rwasa return the 'index and input password' page in plaintext, so it was not render as html >> no FORM to input password and submit. Only way to overcome this issue is to manually submit html form via other HTTP tool.

Please have a check :-)

Thanks and best wishes!

Thanks for the report. Will check and fix it as soon as possible.

AsmBB installation in 2 minutes: Video

AsmBB v3.0 (check-in: a316dab8b98d07d9); SQLite v3.42.0 (check-in: 831d0fb2836b71c9);
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