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how can i set upload limits and file types for uploads.

#15633 (ツ) ufuk
Created 18.11.2018, read: 7065 times

how can i set upload limits and file types for uploads.

#15635 (ツ) johnfound
Last edited: 18.11.2018 by johnfound, read: 7064 times

how can i set upload limits and file types for uploads.

You can't set the file types. Everything can be attached. The file size limit is in the parameter max_attachment_size in the database. The default value is 1MB.

Insert it for the first time by:

insert into params values ('max_attachment_size', 1234567);

And change it by:

update params set val = 1234567 where id = 'max_attachment_size';

This parameter is not inserted by default.

#15636 (ツ) ufuk
Created 18.11.2018, read: 7061 times

how can i set upload limits and file types for uploads.

You can't set the file types. Everything can be attached. The file size limit is in the parameter max_attachment_size in the database. The default value is 1MB.

Insert it for the first time by:

insert into params values ('max_attachment_size', 1234567);

And change it by:

update params set val = 1234567 where id = 'max_attachment_size';

This parameter is not inserted by default.

i made but already i get this error 413 Request Entity Too Large

#15637 (ツ) ufuk
Last edited: 18.11.2018 by ufuk, read: 7061 times

how can i set upload limits and file types for uploads.

You can't set the file types. Everything can be attached. The file size limit is in the parameter max_attachment_size in the database. The default value is 1MB.

Insert it for the first time by:

insert into params values ('max_attachment_size', 1234567);

And change it by:

update params set val = 1234567 where id = 'max_attachment_size';

This parameter is not inserted by default.

what is 1234567? is limit ? example 20, for 20mb.

#15638 (ツ) johnfound
Created 18.11.2018, read: 7061 times

What limit you set? Please, explain in more details. I can't read your mind actually.

#15639 (ツ) ufuk
Created 18.11.2018, read: 7060 times

What limit you set? Please, explain in more details. I can't read your mind actually.

i runned this for 20 MB.

update params set val = 20 where id = 'max_attachment_size';

#15641 (ツ) johnfound
Created 18.11.2018, read: 7059 times

What limit you set? Please, explain in more details. I can't read your mind actually.

i runned this for 20 MB.

update params set val = 20 where id = 'max_attachment_size';

You simply set the limit to 20 bytes.

20MB = 20*1024*1024 = 20971520 bytes.

how can i set upload limits and file types for uploads.

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