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Translation (DE) update January 2022

#16230 (ツ) \o/
Last edited: 19.01.2022 by \o/, read: 2076 times

You added a few new strings. Here, these are better:

  equ:hdrInterval=Zeit zwischen zwei Beiträgen [Sek.]:
  equ:hdrIncrement=Zusätzliche Verzögerung bei weiteren Beiträgen [Sek./Beitrag]:
  equ:hdrMaxLen=Maximale Nachrichtenlänge (0 = unbegrenzt):

(Sadly, I can't currently use Fossil - www/templates/Wasp/_images/chatemoticons/ and www/templates/Wasp/_images/emoticons/ seem to be invalid, at least on Windows.)

#16231 (ツ) johnfound
Created 20.01.2022, read: 2071 times

You added a few new strings. Here, these are better:

  equ:hdrInterval=Zeit zwischen zwei Beiträgen [Sek.]:
  equ:hdrIncrement=Zusätzliche Verzögerung bei weiteren Beiträgen [Sek./Beitrag]:
  equ:hdrMaxLen=Maximale Nachrichtenlänge (0 = unbegrenzt):

Thanks! Will fix them asap. 👍


(Sadly, I can't currently use Fossil - www/templates/Wasp/_images/chatemoticons/ and www/templates/Wasp/_images/emoticons/ seem to be invalid, at least on Windows.)

Both, are symlinks to `www/images/emoticons_dark/` and `www/images/emoticons_light/`.

Generally speaking, templates make extensive use of symlinks for common files. Unfortunately, I don't know how fossil works with these entities in Windows. But probably not very well. :`(

Translation (DE) update January 2022

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