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testing lat

#15515 (ツ) crustyoz
Last edited: 14.10.2018 by crustyoz, read: 4623 times

first test to see how it works. want to remove others from lat list.

14-10-2018: test to see if this thread can be made public by editing the thread properties. Answer: Yes.

#15516 (ツ) crustyoz
Created 12.10.2018, read: 4622 times

first test to see how it works. want to remove others from lat list.

second entry. did not see lat list.

#15517 (ツ) crustyoz
Created 12.10.2018, read: 4619 times

since I do not have admin access to this site, I can not change user permissions. as owner of the thread I also want ability to add and delete readers from the access list.

john:do you plan to allow thread owner control over access to it?

#15518 (ツ) crustyoz
Created 12.10.2018, read: 4618 times

I am writing this on an android tablet using one finger typing. notice the lack of capitals.

the icons on the right side are too small and too close together to be touched separately. can this be changed? I don't want to zoom in each time use them.

#15519 (ツ) crustyoz
Created 12.10.2018, read: 4615 times

I am writing this on an android tablet using one finger typing. notice the lack of capitals.

the icons on the right side are too small and too close together to be touched separately. can this be changed? I don't want to zoom in each time use them.

replying to my own post just to test.

#15520 (ツ) crustyoz
Created 12.10.2018, read: 4614 times

thread disappears,from thread list after logout - as expected.

#15521 (ツ) crustyoz
Created 12.10.2018, read: 4610 times

the logout action results in error 404 on first try. it is looking for "testing-lat/225 and that might not exist due to a server event close to the time you (john) logged in. I was submitting a post at that time and had to submit twice. another possibility is that the server can not display the current thread after logout because it is private. a click on the " click here" link repeats the error 404. had to use back button to return to logged in screen and choose a different thread before logout would work.

#15522 (ツ) johnfound
Created 12.10.2018, read: 4605 times

since I do not have admin access to this site, I can not change user permissions. as owner of the thread I also want ability to add and delete readers from the access list.

john:do you plan to allow thread owner control over access to it?

The owner of the thread should be able to edit the list of invited users. You should edit not the first post, but the thread itself, from the pencil icon near the thread header.

If you are not able to edit the thread properties, then it is a bug and should be fixed.

#15523 (ツ) johnfound
Last edited: 12.10.2018 by johnfound, read: 4603 times

the logout action results in error 404 on first try. it is looking for "testing-lat/225 and that might not exist due to a server event close to the time you (john) logged in. I was submitting a post at that time and had to submit twice. another possibility is that the server can not display the current thread after logout because it is private. a click on the " click here" link repeats the error 404. had to use back button to return to logged in screen and choose a different thread before logout would work.

The error 404 page tries to navigate you back to the thread you are coming from. But in the case of the private threads, they are not existing for the not logged-in users. And for security reasons 404 is generated instead of 403 forbidden.

The problem is that after the logout, the previous location is also forbidden and the navigation loops infinitely to 404.

This is a kind of misbehavior and should be fixed.

#15524 (ツ) johnfound
Created 12.10.2018, read: 4598 times

I am writing this on an android tablet using one finger typing. notice the lack of capitals.

the icons on the right side are too small and too close together to be touched separately. can this be changed? I don't want to zoom in each time use them.

You are right. I will fix it for the mobile skins.

BTW, are your tablet switched automatically to the mobile theme?

#15525 (ツ) crustyoz
Last edited: 12.10.2018 by crustyoz, read: 4594 times

I am writing this on an android tablet using one finger typing. notice the lack of capitals.

the icons on the right side are too small and too close together to be touched separately. can this be changed? I don't want to zoom in each time use them.

You are right. I will fix it for the mobile skins.

BTW, are your tablet switched automatically to the mobile theme?

Thanks in advance for the fix.

No automatic switch. I went through the list of skins and now have it set (cookie used I assume). Not using the tablet at the moment but I do remember that this edit post window remained in a transparent state because there is no mouseover capability on the tablet. I don't remember if that also applies to the mobile skin; perhaps I did not use it while in that skin.

This post does not show the framing around quotes. Both end quote statements are present, so I don't know what is different about it.

The problem appears to related to me being owner of the post and it including quotes because the next one displays the same way.

#15526 (ツ) crustyoz
Created 12.10.2018, read: 4593 times

since I do not have admin access to this site, I can not change user permissions. as owner of the thread I also want ability to add and delete readers from the access list.

john:do you plan to allow thread owner control over access to it?

The owner of the thread should be able to edit the list of invited users. You should edit not the first post, but the thread itself, from the pencil icon near the thread header.

If you are not able to edit the thread properties, then it is a bug and should be fixed.

I don't see a pencil icon near the thread header for any thread, but when I clicked your link above it put me at the edit thread page and I could see the ability to change the list of invited users.

#15527 (ツ) johnfound
Created 12.10.2018, read: 4588 times

About the frames on the quotes: I have updated the engine, but obviously broke something with the styles. Will fix it tonight.

Anyway, the problem with the editing threads is also a bug and will be fixed soon.

#15528 (ツ) crustyoz
Created 12.10.2018, read: 4586 times

Thanks for the quick reply.

I thought I should give you a short explanation of my current use case:

A small web-based, remote worker company has a customer relationship management problem. Emails are the traditional way to pass information from customer facing staff to internal staff. Often, the customer email is forwarded to internal staff, with or without additional comment. The subject line contains whatever the naive customer wrote. Chaining emails breaks if that subject is changed. Searching for past emails is limited by the weakness of the subject line content (i.e. no ticket number on the original email, so no useful linking with other related emails when a common and uninformative subject is used).

Other internal emails related to the same customer might use the same subject, or might not.

With just 3 or 4 staff members, who could be half a world away from each other and in multiple timezones, using the LAT feature might work to keep a running commentary about the relationship within a private but web-facing application.

Using a limited number of original posts with quoted replies would allow for chaining comments still in one thread. Using the customer name as a category provides a higher level way to group related threads.

I'm still exploring.


#15530 (ツ) johnfound
Created 12.10.2018, read: 4583 times

In addition, you can reset the guests "read" permission (from the settings dialog) in order to close the forum for non-registered users.

#15531 (ツ) johnfound
Created 12.10.2018, read: 4577 times

I don't see a pencil icon near the thread header for any thread, but when I clicked your link above it put me at the edit thread page and I could see the ability to change the list of invited users.

You should see the edit icon now. It was a regression that has been fixed. All the recent fixes are available in this check-in: as a source, but the official binary release will be delayed a little.

#15587 (ツ) ufuk
Created 29.10.2018, read: 4527 times

Mobile test :-D :-D

#15588 (ツ) ufuk
Created 29.10.2018, read: 4527 times

Veryyyy fast script.

testing lat

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