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One topic test

#15428 (ツ) zetrader
Created 13.04.2018, read: 5881 times

OK checking some features :


that's my quote

i'm gonna dream big and italic and both and this coool feature. Test url my page ok. Smileys : :-) :-D rofl ;-) :-P :-( :'-( >:-( Ok...

some code could be there 

an image test

The image test doesn't display, wondering why. Ok i have to put the word "Picture" before.

other image test

Without that word, nothing displays, i made another test, and even the text didn't display. Where does the text display for the image? I can not see my alt text, maybe it's only in the html code. Edit : yes, it's only in html code. I see that there's no way to upload files, images or other files, maybe in the future.

Any way to insert some mp3 or mp4 files?

#15429 (ツ) johnfound
Created 13.04.2018, read: 5839 times

This line (from the 1 column on the row) defines a label-link that can be used inside the text multiply times:

The best forum in the world is [AsmBB]. You can download [AsmBB] from the [AsmBB] web site.

If you want to use the link in one single place inline links can be used - they must not begin at the 1st column:

The best forum in the world is [][AsmBB]. 

The same is for the images as well, because they are simply a kind of links only started with "!" or "?".

P.S. BTW, I edited your post and removed the "Picture" words. ;-)

#15430 (ツ) zetrader
Created 13.04.2018, read: 5831 times

Test without the word : valencia by night Ok it works now without the word "Picture" before, i don't know why it didn't work the first time. Did you change anything? Some syntax error i've made? Edit : Oh i understand now, reading you again, if i put some word before, it works, but if i don't (if it's at the beginning), it doesn't, ok, cool, enough with putting some words before the url or image :)

#15431 (ツ) zetrader
Created 13.04.2018, read: 5826 times

Any way to insert some mp3 or mp4 inside the message? It could be nice, and in html5 it's very short code :

For audio :

<audio controls>
  <source src="horse.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
  <source src="horse.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
Your browser does not support the audio element.

For video :

<video width="320" height="240" controls>
  <source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
  <source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
#15432 (ツ) johnfound
Created 14.04.2018, read: 5819 times

Any way to insert some mp3 or mp4 inside the message? It could be nice, and in html5 it's very short code :

Well, it is implemented, but not documented and not working very good. rofl


This implementation uses <object> html tag. Probably should fix it soon. Now it is fixed. At least the autoplay has been switched off.

#15433 (ツ) johnfound
Created 13.04.2018, read: 5818 times

Edit : Oh i understand now, reading you again, if i put some word before, it works, but if i don't (if it's at the beginning), it doesn't, ok, cool, enough with putting some words before the url or image :)

One space character is enough. No need to write some text at all.

#15434 (ツ) zetrader
Created 14.04.2018, read: 5796 times

Well, it is implemented, but not documented and not working very good. rofl


This implementation uses <object> html tag. Probably should fix it soon. Now it is fixed. At least the autoplay has been switched off.

Cool, i've seen it autoplays yesterday, that was a problem, you quickly fixed it ;)

#15435 (ツ) zetrader
Created 14.04.2018, read: 5792 times

Testing mp3 :

Coool, it works :-)

EDIT : the mp3 works on google chrome and firefox.

Testing mp4 :

It works too, nice ;-)

EDIT : the video works on google chrome, not on firefox.

#15436 (ツ) zetrader
Created 16.04.2018, read: 5756 times

I've tried to install AsmBB but it doesn't work, i don't know what i made wrong :

1) I have tried to upload the files by FTP to a directory (asmbb) on my shared hosting (1and1) that have fastCGI enabled and Apache, but when i go the directory (asmbb), no way to make it work.

2) I have tried the easy installation on Apache running the script, but same, no way to make it work, i have an "Error 500 - Internal server error" when i go to the directory, the files correctly unpacked in the directory (directories images and templates, files htaccess, engine, License etc...) but the "board.sqlite" has not been created.

In my shared hosting i have "Virtual Directory Support" disabled, it could be the problem?

One topic test

AsmBB v3.0 (check-in: a316dab8b98d07d9); SQLite v3.42.0 (check-in: 831d0fb2836b71c9);
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