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vbulletin to AsmBB conversion

#15619 (ツ) kari
Created 14.11.2018, read: 3197 times

Hello.Nice forum simple and fast.If i want to switch from vbulletin 3 how can i do this?Do u have any importers ?Thank You.

#15620 (ツ) johnfound
Last edited: 14.11.2018 by johnfound, read: 3192 times

Hello.Nice forum simple and fast.If i want to switch from vbulletin 3 how can i do this?Do u have any importers ?Thank You.

Unfortunately I don't have such scripts. The main problem is that right now, AsmBB does not support BBCode.

But I am working on it. The parser for BBCode is already implemented and will be added to the engine in one of the next releases.

Actually I am planing to have 2 markup languages in the engine simultaneously: BBCode and markdown in order to make migrations easier.

#15621 (ツ) kari
Created 14.11.2018, read: 3189 times

Hello.Nice forum simple and fast.If i want to switch from vbulletin 3 how can i do this?Do u have any importers ?Thank You.

Unfortunately I don't have such scripts. The main problem is that right now, AsmBB does not support BBCode.

But I am working on it. The parser for BBCode is already implemented and will be added to the engine in one of the next releases.

Actually I am planing to have 2 markup languages in the engine simultaneously: BBCode and markdown in order to make migrations easier.

Thank You john for the answer.Im watching the forum and wait for the importer system.Looks allready nice and simple very good job.

#15622 (ツ) johnfound
Last edited: 14.11.2018 by johnfound, read: 3186 times

Thank You john for the answer.Im watching the forum and wait for the importer system.Looks allready nice and simple very good job.

You are welcome. :-)

But notice, that I am working alone on the forum in my free time. And that the importer system is not simple to be made, not only because the features differences, but also, because it requires knowledge about both the imported forum database and AsmBB engine database. While the AsmBB database is pretty simple and straightforward, I am not sure that the other forums databases are such after decades of evolution.

So, as always: Contributors are welcome. ;-)


vbulletin to AsmBB conversion

AsmBB v3.0 (check-in: a316dab8b98d07d9); SQLite v3.42.0 (check-in: 831d0fb2836b71c9);
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