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#15667 (ツ) ufuk
Last edited: 21.11.2018 by ufuk, read: 3678 times


i deleted header image. but i can not find code that call this image. i want to delete the code to not get 404 error. thanks

Attached files:
FileSizeUploadedDownloadsMD5 hash
fstdesk.png39886 bytes21.11.2018962fbe787a4a62193d197aa20f26030eda7
#15669 (ツ) johnfound
Created 21.11.2018, read: 3675 times


i deleted header image. but i can not find code that call this image. i want to delete the code to not get 404 error. thanks

This image is used in common.css file the div.header class. But the CSS files are compiled from LESS files and are minimized, so very hard for editing.

The best way to edit the skins is to download the sources, edit the respective LESS file and then compile it to CSS file.

I am using the clessc compiler, but (maybe) any other will do the job as well.

In the downloaded source, there is a script /www/templates/ that compiles all the LESS files into CSS.

#15670 (ツ) ufuk
Created 21.11.2018, read: 3674 times


i deleted header image. but i can not find code that call this image. i want to delete the code to not get 404 error. thanks

This image is used in common.css file the div.header class. But the CSS files are compiled from LESS files and are minimized, so very hard for editing.

The best way to edit the skins is to download the sources, edit the respective LESS file and then compile it to CSS file.

I am using the clessc compiler, but (maybe) any other will do the job as well.

In the downloaded source, there is a script /www/templates/ that compiles all the LESS files into CSS.

i deleted "url("special:skin/_images/yellow_back.png")" from common.css and fixed.


#15671 (ツ) johnfound
Created 21.11.2018, read: 3673 times

i deleted "url("special:skin/_images/yellow_back.png")" from common.css and fixed.

Well, this works, but if you are intended to make serious skin edits, you will need the sources and some more or less regular development process, able to merge with the future changes.

small help

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