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#15735 (ツ) ufuk
Created 01.01.2019, read: 3244 times


how can i solve hash'es to find user passwords ?

#15736 (ツ) johnfound
Created 01.01.2019, read: 3241 times


how can i solve hash'es to find user passwords ?

Only the brute force actually. Well, if you, as a owner, have access to the salts, and if your users have choose very weak passwords, you can try with brute-force by dictionary.

But why you would need this? In fact such behavior can ruin the trust your forum users feel and cause them leave the forum.

#15737 (ツ) ufuk
Created 01.01.2019, read: 3239 times


how can i solve hash'es to find user passwords ?

Only the brute force actually. Well, if you, as a owner, have access to the salts, and if your users have choose very weak passwords, you can try with brute-force by dictionary.

But why you would need this? In fact such behavior can ruin the trust your forum users feel and cause them leave the forum.

Thank you john.

I moved site on another script.

Thanks for your help.

Good luck.

#15738 (ツ) johnfound
Created 02.01.2019, read: 3236 times

Thank you john.

I moved site on another script.

Thanks for your help.

Good luck.

I see. But no, actually you will not be able to migrate the passwords. There should be a way to reset the passwords for the users and force them to create new passwords on the first login/activation.


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