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embed photos

#15634 (ツ) ufuk
Created 18.11.2018, read: 3935 times


i tried embed with blow code, but i did not work. Is there a way ?

uploaded antalya.jpg

and added below code in post

#15640 (ツ) johnfound
Created 18.11.2018, read: 3932 times


i tried embed with blow code, but i did not work. Is there a way ?

uploaded antalya.jpg

and added below code in post

At first, use [!image.url] for the block images, [?image.url] for the inline images and [$media.url] for the audio or video files.

At second, the URL must not be at the start of the line. Insert at least one space. The URLs that start at position 1 define a short link. For example:

The fastest forum in the world is [AsmBB], [AsmBB], [AsmBB].

Will be rendered as:


The fastest forum in the world is AsmBB, AsmBB, AsmBB.

BTW, the buttons in the post editor should generate the proper code.

embed photos

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