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#15642 (ツ) ufuk
Last edited: 19.11.2018 by ufuk, read: 3515 times


how can i change or delete below bolded parts.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DESK Threads list <title> <meta name="description" content=" AsmBB forum demo installation. "> <meta name="keywords" content="food,science,technology"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scallable=no"> <style>/* Main user interface toolbar /

#15643 (ツ) johnfound
Created 19.11.2018, read: 3511 times


how can i change or delete below bolded parts.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DESK Threads list <title> <meta name="description" content=" AsmBB forum demo installation. "> <meta name="keywords" content="food,science,technology"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scallable=no"> <style>/* Main user interface toolbar /

The description is editable in the forum settings page. The tab HTML/CSS, the field labeled "Description".

The addition: "Thread list " is part of the navigation and indicates the function of the current page. For example, if you are on the /!users_online page, this addition will be "Online users". My suggestion is to keep this addition and to make the main title of the forum shorter and with a space or ":" at the end. This way, the added string will stay more naturally.

If you don't want this title string at all, edit the main_html_start.tpl file and replace the line "<title>[special:title]</title>" with "<title>Your own fixed title</title>".

#15644 (ツ) ufuk
Last edited: 19.11.2018 by ufuk, read: 3508 times


how can i change or delete below bolded parts.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DESK Threads list <title> <meta name="description" content=" AsmBB forum demo installation. "> <meta name="keywords" content="food,science,technology"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scallable=no"> <style>/* Main user interface toolbar /

The description is editable in the forum settings page. The tab HTML/CSS, the field labeled "Description".

The addition: "Thread list " is part of the navigation and indicates the function of the current page. For example, if you are on the /!users_online page, this addition will be "Online users". My suggestion is to keep this addition and to make the main title of the forum shorter and with a space or ":" at the end. This way, the added string will stay more naturally.

If you don't want this title string at all, edit the main_html_start.tpl file and replace the line "<title>[special:title]</title>" with "<title>Your own fixed title</title>".

thanks. i see. But addition looks good on post pages. ex.

but not on home page or users_online pages. Please see differences.

#15645 (ツ) johnfound
Created 19.11.2018, read: 3507 times

thanks. i see. But addition looks good on post pages. ex.

but not on home page or users_online pages. Please see differences.

If you are talking about the missing space after the title, it is a matter of text formatting and I can change it in one of the next releases. But you can workaround this problem, by simply adding a space at the end of the title in the forum settings.

#15646 (ツ) ufuk
Created 19.11.2018, read: 3505 times

thanks. i see. But addition looks good on post pages. ex.

but not on home page or users_online pages. Please see differences.

If you are talking about the missing space after the title, it is a matter of text formatting and I can change it in one of the next releases. But you can workaround this problem, by simply adding a space at the end of the title in the forum settings.

Thank you.

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