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Minor bugs in dev trunks

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#16027 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 12.03.2020, read: 5985 times

in main_html_start.tpl

user-scallable=no => user-scalable=no

Will update this post if found in latest dev trunks :-)

#16028 (ツ) johnfound
Created 12.03.2020, read: 5983 times


#16049 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Last edited: 15.03.2020 by ganuonglachanh , read: 5972 times

Can't add code block in Modern Theme

code block

in dev trunk, select text and press code block, nothing happen

#16050 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Last edited: 15.03.2020 by ganuonglachanh , read: 5971 times


var attch = document.getElementById("attachments");

in HTML no element with id "attachments", maybe you forgot something? => error in JS console

#16051 (ツ) johnfound
Created 15.03.2020, read: 5971 times

Can't add code block in Modern Theme

code block

in dev trunk, select text and press code block, nothing happen

Stupid typo - fixed.

#16052 (ツ) johnfound
Created 15.03.2020, read: 5970 times


var attch = document.getElementById("attachments");

in HTML no element with id "attachments", maybe you forgot something? => error in JS console

Fixed. It is because this JS code was copy/pasted from the form_edit.tpl; In the "new post" and "new thread" forms, the attachments can't be edited because the post is not created in the database yet.

#16057 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 16.03.2020, read: 5961 times!chat

line 509:

 discinect(); -> should be  disconnect();


Console error:

GET 404 (Gone Walkabout)

Reason: in, 3 last line:

background-image: url("/templates/Light/_images/edited.svg");


Theme Light and MoLight: new AsmBB Powered Logo has white background => can't see it :-)

#16058 (ツ) johnfound
Created 16.03.2020, read: 5959 times

line 509:

 discinect(); -> should be  disconnect();


Console error:

GET 404 (Gone Walkabout)

Reason: in, 3 last line:

background-image: url("/templates/Light/_images/edited.svg");


Theme Light and MoLight: new AsmBB Powered Logo has white background => can't see it :-)


#16062 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 20.03.2020, read: 5920 times

Hi Johnfound

I don't know whether it's a bug or not :-)

In post.asm and edit.asm

        mov     eax, LIMIT_POST_LENGTH
        stdcall GetParam, 'max_post_length', gpInteger ; => not found in DB setting??
        stdcall StrByteUtf8, [.source], eax
        stdcall StrTrim, [.source], eax

I'm learning Asmbb source code so please don't mind my beginner questions rofl

#16063 (ツ) johnfound
Created 20.03.2020, read: 5918 times

Hi Johnfound

I don't know whether it's a bug or not :-)

In post.asm and edit.asm

        mov     eax, LIMIT_POST_LENGTH
        stdcall GetParam, 'max_post_length', gpInteger ; => not found in DB setting??
        stdcall StrByteUtf8, [.source], eax
        stdcall StrTrim, [.source], eax

I'm learning Asmbb source code so please don't mind my beginner questions rofl

The mechanism here is the following: GetParam will keep all registers not changed, if a parameter with the given name is not located in the database. (It returns CF=1 in this case, but it is not important right here) or will return the value of the parameter in EAX if this parameter exists in the database.

So, here, first the hard coded fall-back parameter LIMIT_POST_LENGTH is loaded in EAX, then an attempt to read the user limit, stored in the max_post_length in the database is made.

If the attempt succeed, the value in EAX will be changed. If not, the values in EAX will remain unchanged, equal to the hard-coded LIMIT_POST_LENGTH.

#16064 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 20.03.2020, read: 5916 times

Hi Johnfound

I don't know whether it's a bug or not :-)

In post.asm and edit.asm

        mov     eax, LIMIT_POST_LENGTH
        stdcall GetParam, 'max_post_length', gpInteger ; => not found in DB setting??
        stdcall StrByteUtf8, [.source], eax
        stdcall StrTrim, [.source], eax

I'm learning Asmbb source code so please don't mind my beginner questions rofl

The mechanism here is the following: GetParam will keep all registers not changed, if a parameter with the given name is not located in the database. (It returns CF=1 in this case, but it is not important right here) or will return the value of the parameter in EAX if this parameter exists in the database.

So, here, first the hard coded fall-back parameter LIMIT_POST_LENGTH is loaded in EAX, then an attempt to read the user limit, stored in the max_post_length in the database is made.

If the attempt succeed, the value in EAX will be changed. If not, the values in EAX will remain unchanged, equal to the hard-coded LIMIT_POST_LENGTH.

Thanks johnfound, clear as crystal, so we can set the max_post_length param by SQL console since it's not exist in default Database.

#16065 (ツ) johnfound
Created 20.03.2020, read: 5915 times

Thanks johnfound, clear as crystal, so we can set the max_post_length param by SQL console since it's not exist in default Database.

Yes, exactly.

#16067 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 22.03.2020, read: 5890 times

Hi johnfound

The post content seem to be duplicated, it exists in : Posts.Content, PostFTS_content and PostFTS.Content.

Can we optimize a little bit here?

#16069 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 22.03.2020, read: 5888 times

I enable debug Mode and see this on command line, may be sse event?

Stack top address: $FFF50864
Initial personality: $00400000
Switch to 3GB address space.
sys_personality return EAX:4194304
Stack top address: $BFD7A294
The program switched to 3GB address space.
Listener added: 0884EA30
Listener added: 08851050
Listener added: 0884E620
Remove event listener: 0884E620
Listener added: B7F9A760
Remove event listener: B7F9A760
Listener added: 0884E620
Remove event listener: 0884E620
Listener added: 0884E5B0
WARNING: StrDel on pointer: 0806DCF0
                 call from: 080495FB
Listener added: 0884B780
Remove event listener: 08851050
WARNING: StrDel on pointer: 0806DCF0
                 call from: 080495FB
Listener added: 08851840
WARNING: StrDel on pointer: 0806DCF0
                 call from: 080495FB
Listener added: 0884E620
Remove event listener: 08851840
Remove event listener: 0884B780
Remove event listener: 0884EA30
Listener added: 08851C00
Remove event listener: 08851C00
Listener added: 0884D9C0
WARNING: StrDel on pointer: 0806DCF0
                 call from: 080495FB
Listener added: 0884EFD0
Remove event listener: 0884E620
#16073 (ツ) johnfound
Created 22.03.2020, read: 5884 times

These are information messages when SSE listener is added and removed to the engine. Nothing interesting.

The real problem might be the message "WARNING: StrDel on pointer" - this is strong indication for a bug.

What is the check-in number of the engine tested?


I enable debug Mode and see this on command line, may be sse event?

Stack top address: $FFF50864
Initial personality: $00400000
Switch to 3GB address space.
sys_personality return EAX:4194304
Stack top address: $BFD7A294
The program switched to 3GB address space.
Listener added: 0884EA30
Listener added: 08851050
Listener added: 0884E620
Remove event listener: 0884E620
Listener added: B7F9A760
Remove event listener: B7F9A760
Listener added: 0884E620
Remove event listener: 0884E620
Listener added: 0884E5B0
WARNING: StrDel on pointer: 0806DCF0
                 call from: 080495FB
Listener added: 0884B780
Remove event listener: 08851050
WARNING: StrDel on pointer: 0806DCF0
                 call from: 080495FB
Listener added: 08851840
WARNING: StrDel on pointer: 0806DCF0
                 call from: 080495FB
Listener added: 0884E620
Remove event listener: 08851840
Remove event listener: 0884B780
Remove event listener: 0884EA30
Listener added: 08851C00
Remove event listener: 08851C00
Listener added: 0884D9C0
WARNING: StrDel on pointer: 0806DCF0
                 call from: 080495FB
Listener added: 0884EFD0
Remove event listener: 0884E620
#16075 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Last edited: 22.03.2020 by ganuonglachanh , read: 5882 times

It's the latest in trunk and when I refresh this url:!debuginfo

#16077 (ツ) johnfound
Created 22.03.2020, read: 5877 times

It's the latest in trunk and when I refresh this url:!debuginfo

It was easy. Fixed. ;-)

#16085 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 27.03.2020, read: 5814 times

Hi johnfound

I have a crash and here is the log in fault.txt , hope you can find any clue about it:

eax = 00000AF0
ebx = B7F8F978
ecx = 00000026
edx = 00000AF1
esi = 6FF1ECFD
edi = 08F7AD98
ebp = B7F8F978
esp = B7D64BC4


#16086 (ツ) johnfound
Last edited: 27.03.2020 by johnfound, read: 5808 times

Hi johnfound

I have a crash and here is the log in fault.txt , hope you can find any clue about it:

eax = 00000AF0
ebx = B7F8F978
ecx = 00000026
edx = 00000AF1
esi = 6FF1ECFD
edi = 08F7AD98
ebp = B7F8F978
esp = B7D64BC4


Is this the whole content of fault.txt? The address of the crash and the stack trace are much more important.

Also, it is important what is the exact check-in version of the engine. Because recently I have fixed an old bug that happened to crash the engine.

#16087 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 27.03.2020, read: 5796 times
0 1

Minor bugs in dev trunks

AsmBB v3.0 (check-in: a316dab8b98d07d9); SQLite v3.42.0 (check-in: 831d0fb2836b71c9);
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