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Possible do adapt to image board?

#15991 (ツ) imageboarduser
Created 12.12.2019, read: 3106 times

Hello, I'm looking for a lightweight image board engine and found asmbb, which isn't exactly it but I like the general idea behind it. My question is, would it be possible to adapt asmbb into working as an image board similar 4chan and the like? Would that be too difficult?


#15992 (ツ) johnfound
Created 13.12.2019, read: 3098 times

Hello, I'm looking for a lightweight image board engine and found asmbb, which isn't exactly it but I like the general idea behind it. My question is, would it be possible to adapt asmbb into working as an image board similar 4chan and the like? Would that be too difficult?


Well, I am not very sure how the image board should work and how they are different from the forums. At first glance - they do not need user accounts and message text formatting.

But maybe they have some requirements that need to be implemented differently... I can't say.

On the other hand, if the image board is much simpler than forum, it worth to not try to adapt directly AsmBB code, but create a new project based on AsmBB FastCGI framework. It is not so hard to be done and will definitely provide more performance and scalability.

#15994 (ツ) imageboarduser
Last edited: 24.12.2019 by imageboarduser, read: 2678 times

Hello, I'm looking for a lightweight image board engine and found asmbb, which isn't exactly it but I like the general idea behind it. My question is, would it be possible to adapt asmbb into working as an image board similar 4chan and the like? Would that be too difficult?


Well, I am not very sure how the image board should work and how they are different from the forums. At first glance - they do not need user accounts and message text formatting.

But maybe they have some requirements that need to be implemented differently... I can't say.

On the other hand, if the image board is much simpler than forum, it worth to not try to adapt directly AsmBB code, but create a new project based on AsmBB FastCGI framework. It is not so hard to be done and will definitely provide more performance and scalability.

Thanks for the answers John!

That's a bit more than I can chew I guess lol, I was looking for a quick hack to get something up and running quickly :p

Possible do adapt to image board?

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