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hosting for AsmBB

#16149 (ツ) freddy
Created 16.05.2020, read: 1763 times

Hello what is good hosting for AsmBB script? can host on digital ocean for AsmBB script?

#16150 (ツ) johnfound
Created 16.05.2020, read: 1761 times

Hello what is good hosting for AsmBB script? can host on digital ocean for AsmBB script?

Well, every hosting with x86 CPU, Linux OS that allows FastCGI interface to the web server.

I have started the development of AsmBB with the cheapest possible shared hosting with Apache server. Later I have migrated to the cheap VPS where installed Arch Linux and Nginx server.

The reason for the migration was a bug in the Apache HTTP2 module, that messed with the AsmBB real-time chat and that the provider was not able to fix.

So, the cheap VPS is the best AsmBB hosting - because you can install whatever OS and server you need and to make whatever settings you want. Even the slowest VPS will do the job. This demo forum is working on a VPS with 1GB RAM memory and 1 core CPU on 2.4GHz. Besides AsmBB forum I am hosting there an email server and several other web sites.

The biggest drawback of VPS is that you need to be able to install the OS and configure the server. 😂 But it is not so hard and is pretty educational. 😆

The easiest possible way is to install AsmBB on a shared hosting. You only need to install AsmBB, everything else is managed by your provider.

The biggest drawback is that AsmBB is a little bit different from how the others make web sites. So, the server settings of the shared hosting provider often are optimized for PHP and the provider is not willing to change things especially for you, because there are many other sites on the same server. This way, not every shared hosting is suitable, but even the provider can't say whether his hosting is able to host AsmBB or not.

#16151 (ツ) freddy
Created 16.05.2020, read: 1755 times

Hello what is good hosting for AsmBB script? can host on digital ocean for AsmBB script?

Well, every hosting with x86 CPU, Linux OS that allows FastCGI interface to the web server.

I have started the development of AsmBB with the cheapest possible shared hosting with Apache server. Later I have migrated to the cheap VPS where installed Arch Linux and Nginx server.

The reason for the migration was a bug in the Apache HTTP2 module, that messed with the AsmBB real-time chat and that the provider was not able to fix.

So, the cheap VPS is the best AsmBB hosting - because you can install whatever OS and server you need and to make whatever settings you want. Even the slowest VPS will do the job. This demo forum is working on a VPS with 1GB RAM memory and 1 core CPU on 2.4GHz. Besides AsmBB forum I am hosting there an email server and several other web sites.

The biggest drawback of VPS is that you need to be able to install the OS and configure the server. 😂 But it is not so hard and is pretty educational. 😆

The easiest possible way is to install AsmBB on a shared hosting. You only need to install AsmBB, everything else is managed by your provider.

The biggest drawback is that AsmBB is a little bit different from how the others make web sites. So, the server settings of the shared hosting provider often are optimized for PHP and the provider is not willing to change things especially for you, because there are many other sites on the same server. This way, not every shared hosting is suitable, but even the provider can't say whether his hosting is able to host AsmBB or not.

thanks for your info :D

hosting for AsmBB

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