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Internal Server Error in new threads

#16184 (ツ) jimmyphong
Last edited: 26.09.2020 by jimmyphong, read: 3112 times

I am install asmbb v2.9 on hiawatha server Centos 7 , tutorial step flow at

Everything working fine but when i go to new thread got error Internal Server Error 500

How to solve ? Thanks all Demo url:

#16185 (ツ) johnfound
Created 30.09.2020, read: 3065 times

I am install asmbb v2.9 on hiawatha server Centos 7 , tutorial step flow at

Everything working fine but when i go to new thread got error Internal Server Error 500

How to solve ? Thanks all Demo url:

If you can login and see the first page and then got "internal server error", then AsmBB crashes for some reason. And this is a bug actually.

Please, attach the file fault.txt that AsmBB created on crashes.

Also, are you downloaded the binary package and what exactly version: Better quote the string "check-in:" in the footer of your forum.


#16186 (ツ) jimmyphong
Last edited: 02.10.2020 by jimmyphong, read: 3050 times

I am install asmbb v2.9 on hiawatha server Centos 7 , tutorial step flow at

Everything working fine but when i go to new thread got error Internal Server Error 500

How to solve ? Thanks all Demo url:

If you can login and see the first page and then got "internal server error", then AsmBB crashes for some reason. And this is a bug actually.

Please, attach the file fault.txt that AsmBB created on crashes.

Also, are you downloaded the binary package and what exactly version: Better quote the string "check-in:" in the footer of your forum.


checkin: (check-in: 9e588ddff277a7f8);


eax = 80000008

ebx = 80000008 ecx = 80000008 edx = 09541490 esi = 08068F90 edi = 80000008 ebp = B7601B88 esp = B7601B84


080498B6 0804DD95 08056FDF 08052F17 080542B9 B772E8A4`

Now can you access this Everything work , but when go to new thread got Internal Server Error

Thanks you John.

#16189 (ツ) jimmyphong
Created 02.10.2020, read: 3044 times

Helo John I think problem in old build i try many option to complier from binary but it's so hard, and i am not have Window OS can you please build this binary check-in: 6d407831308ba556 to source code Very Thanks

#16194 (ツ) johnfound
Created 09.10.2020, read: 3005 times

Helo John I think problem in old build i try many option to complier from binary but it's so hard, and i am not have Window OS can you please build this binary check-in: 6d407831308ba556 to source code Very Thanks

"6d407831308ba556" is simply the binary version of "9e588ddff277a7f8". There is no source code differences.

But notice, that the binary package has been updated, because of bug fixed in the FreshLib library (which is a library external to the AsmBB project).

Try simply to download again the binary package: asmbb.tag.gz and replace the file engine in your installation.

The check-in should be "59be7d6ff342db76".

Also,, that there is upcoming next version of the engine. It has many new features and fixes, but also have a database scheme changes that prevents the update simply by replacing the binary file.

#16278 (ツ) sansza
Created 03.07.2022, read: 1767 times


I just downloaded the asmbb latest tar gz 2 hours ago, and installed it on a hiawatha web server.

I have the Internal Server Error 500 when I click on New Thread button.


eax = 80000008

ebx = 80000008 ecx = 80000008 edx = 09403A80 esi = 08068F90 edi = 80000008 ebp = B7E5AB88 esp = B7E5AB84`



0804DD95 08056FDF 08052F17 080542B9 B7F8C8A4`

Thank you in advance for fixing this issue.

Internal Server Error in new threads

AsmBB v3.0 (check-in: a316dab8b98d07d9); SQLite v3.42.0 (check-in: 831d0fb2836b71c9);
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