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GDPR Cookie Consent

#16030 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 12.03.2020, read: 2439 times

I hate >:-( GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), but if we want to server EU user, you should implement this.

May be a simple toast popup every time new user first visit our board?

var cookieToast = new Toast(
          content: 'This website uses cookies to improve your experience',
          timeout: ActivityTimeout,
          position: ActivityAlign,
          type: 'info'
        }, 0);;

then add a cookie shown value to check if we should shown the toast on 1st time visit?

Thank you!

#16031 (ツ) johnfound
Created 12.03.2020, read: 2437 times

I hate >:-( GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), but if we want to server EU user, you should implement this.

May be a simple toast popup every time new user first visit our board?

var cookieToast = new Toast(
          content: 'This website uses cookies to improve your experience',
          timeout: ActivityTimeout,
          position: ActivityAlign,
          type: 'info'
        }, 0);;

then add a cookie shown value to check if we should shown the toast on 1st time visit?

Thank you!

No need for this. The GDPR cookie consent is mandatory only if the cookies used are not session cookies and not needed for the work of the web site. AsmBB is completely in accordance with GDPR without special cookie consent.

#16032 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 12.03.2020, read: 2435 times

It's good to hear that sir rofl

GDPR Cookie Consent

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