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Forbidden 403 error with chrome browser?

#15702 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 03.12.2018, read: 3217 times

Hi, I'm using firefox to access this forum, with Chrome, 1 tab the site show 403 Forbidden error and other tab is fine?

Maybe the referer ?

Attached files:
FileSizeUploadedDownloadsMD5 hash
e1.png286321 bytes03.12.20181008b60582f323f54225243689b9ce07adcc
#15703 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 03.12.2018, read: 3216 times

Hi, I'm using firefox to access this forum, with Chrome, 1 tab the site show 403 Forbidden error and other tab is fine?

Maybe the referer ?

The 2nd tab is fine :-D

Attached files:
FileSizeUploadedDownloadsMD5 hash
e2.png589967 bytes03.12.20189559991c30b03fc74fbbc97ff1038a541f0
#15706 (ツ) johnfound
Created 03.12.2018, read: 3213 times

It is very strange error. It is true that I have made some experiments with the web server settings, but now all these settings are removed and such errors should not be returned.

I restarted the web server. Can you try it again?

#15711 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 03.12.2018, read: 3207 times

It is very strange error. It is true that I have made some experiments with the web server settings, but now all these settings are removed and such errors should not be returned.

I restarted the web server. Can you try it again?

I tried and it worked again! Very strange error indeed!

Forbidden 403 error with chrome browser?

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