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[JS] Load event error in console repeatly

#15937 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Last edited: 04.08.2019 by ganuonglachanh , read: 3268 times

Hi johnfound


If not login ( chat not enable?), browser console repeatly print error about this connect had failed.

P/s: the bold MiniMag has bug:

 (*chat* not work

 ( *chat* work with space between ( and *
#15939 (ツ) johnfound
Created 05.08.2019, read: 3255 times

Hi johnfound


If not login ( chat not enable?), browser console repeatly print error about this connect had failed.

P/s: the bold MiniMag has bug:

 (*chat* not work

 ( *chat* work with space between ( and *

events=8 is for the forum notifications, not for the chat. It seems to be a bug.

[JS] Load event error in console repeatly

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