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Asmbb Bulma Theme

#15927 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 28.07.2019, read: 7729 times

A draft theme using Bulma Css rofl

Theme 1

Theme 1

Theme 1

Theme 1

Feedbacks are welcome :-)

#15928 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 28.07.2019, read: 7728 times

Theme on Mobile device ;-)

Mobile Theme 1

Mobile Theme 2

#15929 (ツ) johnfound
Last edited: 28.07.2019 by johnfound, read: 7720 times

Oh! It really looks much better this way! :-)

But the red logo above is actually not suitable for this theme...

#15931 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 28.07.2019, read: 7713 times

Oh! It really looks much better this way! :-)

But the red logo above is actually not suitable for this theme...

Thanks for the feedback, it need improve and optimize a lot :'-(

#15933 (ツ) macadoum
Created 29.07.2019, read: 7698 times

Very impressive ! ;-)

#15936 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 04.08.2019, read: 7665 times

More fix :-)

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Mobile

#15938 (ツ) johnfound
Created 05.08.2019, read: 7656 times

More fix :-)

Great! But how are you changing the dark/light themes? I see, it is a single theme named "bulma2".

#15940 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 05.08.2019, read: 7652 times

More fix :-)

Great! But how are you changing the dark/light themes? I see, it is a single theme named "bulma2".

Bulma is a light theme only as in screenshot. Bulma2 is a customized theme that can change UI by changing the pre-made bulma CSS file url (Bulma Watch) . I still don't know how to change theme on-the-fly with it :-(

#15941 (ツ) johnfound
Created 06.08.2019, read: 7644 times

More fix :-)

Great! But how are you changing the dark/light themes? I see, it is a single theme named "bulma2".

Bulma is a light theme only as in screenshot. Bulma2 is a customized theme that can change UI by changing the pre-made bulma CSS file url (Bulma Watch) . I still don't know how to change theme on-the-fly with it :-(

The biggest problem with this approach is that the emoticon images are not changed on the dark theme. The emoticons are defined through the symlink templates/THEME_NAME/_images/emoticons (and chatemoticons for the chat). So they can't be changed by JS or CSS tricks.

One possible solution is to use SVG emoticons (because of transparency), that are designed in a way to be suitable both for the light and dark themes.

#15942 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 06.08.2019, read: 7640 times

The biggest problem with this approach is that the emoticon images are not changed on the dark theme. The emoticons are defined through the symlink templates/THEME_NAME/_images/emoticons (and chatemoticons for the chat). So they can't be changed by JS or CSS tricks.

One possible solution is to use SVG emoticons (because of transparency), that are designed in a way to be suitable both for the light and dark themes.

Thanks for the suggestion, AsmBB has the change theme function so I think a dedicated dark theme is better, it doesn't need to be all-in-one theme,thanks AsmBB ;-)

Asmbb Bulma Theme

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