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I18n ?

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#15892 (ツ) johnfound
Created 07.06.2019, read: 4049 times

I see on the forum earned auto language. Did you do it through IP?

There is no "autolanguage" feature in AsmBB. In this very moment, the default language is English. Maybe you changed your language from your user profile?


By the way, here is the first result: instead of "потребитель" it is more correct to use "пользователь".

My mistake. This word is a False friend (Ложные друзя переводчика). :-)

#15893 (ツ) johnfound
Created 07.06.2019, read: 4047 times

Hello johnfound, as I said here, I update the French translation. I just send the files attached as a zip.

But there is some strings I cannot translate, here in red :

I check for others languages and these strings aren't translated too because it's actually not possible.

Another problem is that the theme selector upper right is actually broken and doesn't change anything if using a different language than english.

I hope these problems can be fix.

Well, I have fixed everything (if I didn't miss something :-D) and the templates are replaced here, on the demo forum.

The changes are in the following commits:

But there is a problem: The recent template changes (including the translation fixes) are in the branch RealTimeEvents which is work in progress.

So, for now, these changes are useful only as a reference and will be merged in the trunk when the work on the branch is finished.

#15894 (ツ) KyberMax
Created 08.06.2019, read: 4044 times

There is no "autolanguage" feature in AsmBB. In this very moment, the default language is English. Maybe you changed your language from your user profile?

Yes, I forgot last night to return to its original state.


My mistake. This word is a False friend (Ложные друзя переводчика). :-)

Yes, then google translator is a perfect friend: he constantly changes the translation options to often worse ones (in my opinion). I correct in one place, and he changes in another place. I did not follow yesterday, today I went to the forum to correct and supplement the post and did not notice that you already answered, sorry. Look at my previous post.

By the way, it may make sense to introduce a lock on changing the post, which has already been answered.

#15895 (ツ) johnfound
Created 08.06.2019, read: 4041 times

By the way, it may make sense to introduce a lock on changing the post, which has already been answered.

Well, it may make sense, but I hardly dislike such solutions, because I prefer not to regulate by automatic features the human relations. Editing already answered post is actually a matter of ethics, not user interface. On the other hand, browsing editions history seems to be much more useful, but it needs a delta algorithm in order to be able to highlight the changes. I will definitely implement it when I have enough free time.

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I18n ?

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