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AsmBB v2.5 has been officially released

#15775 (ツ) johnfound
Last edited: 20.03.2019 by johnfound, read: 9249 times

AsmBB v2.5 has been released

What is AsmBB?

AsmBB is a web forum software, written entirely in assembly language (FASM) and using SQLite as a forum database engine.

AsmBB is aimed to provide the fastest and the lightest possible forum engine, able to handle huge communities on a very lightweight servers like cheap VPS or even shared hosting.

In addition, AsmBB has the simplest possible installation process and need no regular support. It simply works.

Also AsmBB has very high level of security. SQL injections are impossible by design. Most of other web attack vectors are simply missing.

What's new in this release?

1. User interface i18n

The first major new feature in this release is the internationalization of the engine. Now every user can choose different language for the user interface of the forum. Currently are available 4 languages: English, Bulgarian, Russian and French.

Notice, that some mistakes in the translations are possible and expected, so please, post your corrections and they will be fixed.

Great thanks to macadoum for the French translation.

2. Second markup language - BBCode

A parser for BBCode has been developed and now AsmBB understands two markup languages (MiniMag and BBCode).

In addition BBCode allows creation of scripts for migration from another forum engines, because BBCode is the most popular forum markup language.

3. Second email send mechanism

Now it is possible to use external programs (such as sendmail) for sending emails to the forum users. This mechanism makes installation easier in the cases where no email server is installed.

4. The usual performance improvements and bug fixes.

As usual the new release is faster than the previous and all detected bugs has been fixed. Of course, bugs and misbehaviours are still possible, so report them here and they will be fixed quickly.

Download and install

AsmBB has very simple installation and configuration process. It has virtually no dependencies and needs only a working web server.

Read the details here:

How to install asmbb on VPS.

How to download the binary package and install AsmBB on shared hosting

Get the source code, learn it, hack it:

AsmBB source code repository - browse the timeline, source files, download or clone.

#15776 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 20.03.2019, read: 7862 times

Hi john

Thanks for the release rofl

#15777 (ツ) kari
Created 20.03.2019, read: 7820 times

Wow good news ;-).Waiting for importers(wordpress,xenforo,vbulletin) to switch and test.Keep the good work and thank you.

#15778 (ツ) johnfound
Created 20.03.2019, read: 7815 times

Wow good news ;-).Waiting for importers(wordpress,xenforo,vbulletin) to switch and test.Keep the good work and thank you.

I have almost-working semi-automatic script for importing phpbb v2.x databases. I tested it with the FASM forum database (25000 threads and 200000 posts) and it produces fairly acceptable result. Including preserving the passwords.

#15779 (ツ) kari
Created 20.03.2019, read: 7808 times

Wow good news ;-).Waiting for importers(wordpress,xenforo,vbulletin) to switch and test.Keep the good work and thank you.

I have almost-working semi-automatic script for importing phpbb v2.x databases. I tested it with the FASM forum database (25000 threads and 200000 posts) and it produces fairly acceptable result. Including preserving the passwords.

Can u post it ?Ill try to switch from wordpress--phpbb--AsmBB and share results.

#15781 (ツ) johnfound
Created 20.03.2019, read: 7778 times
#15782 (ツ) Emanon
Created 20.03.2019, read: 7765 times

I have one vBulletin v. 3.8.11 I'd love to import to this.

#15783 (ツ) johnfound
Created 21.03.2019, read: 7724 times

I have updated the binary pack with the contributed by Cthulhux German translation.

#15784 (ツ) macadoum
Created 21.03.2019, read: 7723 times

Thanks johnfound for the release ! :-)

I already found some mistakes from me in the french translation, as the numbers of threads not showing in the bottom of the page or some mispellings. Now with this release, I will try to launch my own board.

#15785 (ツ) johnfound
Created 21.03.2019, read: 7713 times

I already found some mistakes from me in the french translation, as the numbers of threads not showing in the bottom of the page or some mispellings.

Simply post in the forum and I will fix them one by one.

#15854 (ツ) KyberMax
Created 06.05.2019, read: 7161 times

What can I say? The forum really turned out good, fit. Everything works quickly and clearly. The only thing that is not enough to turn it into the gloomy den of a cyborg is a true dark theme with warm tube green letters. It would be nice to make one and put it by default, so that glamorous designers looking at it put off tons of great bricks.

AsmBB v2.5 has been officially released

AsmBB v3.0 (check-in: a316dab8b98d07d9); SQLite v3.42.0 (check-in: 831d0fb2836b71c9);
©2016..2023 John Found; Licensed under EUPL. Powered by Assembly language Created with Fresh IDE