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API request?

#15675 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 24.11.2018, read: 3197 times

Hi, It seems that asmBB will render all page then return to user.

Would you please add some api route? Then others can make a different frontend like SPA?


#15677 (ツ) johnfound
Created 24.11.2018, read: 3193 times

Hi, It seems that asmBB will render all page then return to user.

Would you please add some api route? Then others can make a different frontend like SPA?


It is planned to be implemented. But it is a little bit a mixed feelings feature. Because I want to keep the forum working without JS enabled. On the other hand, the API will allow development of desktop clients.

Maybe I will make the API not JSON, but some kind of binary format. This way, will make JS use harder.

#15680 (ツ) ganuonglachanh
Created 24.11.2018, read: 3189 times

Hi, It seems that asmBB will render all page then return to user.

Would you please add some api route? Then others can make a different frontend like SPA?


It is planned to be implemented. But it is a little bit a mixed feelings feature. Because I want to keep the forum working without JS enabled. On the other hand, the API will allow development of desktop clients.

Maybe I will make the API not JSON, but some kind of binary format. This way, will make JS use harder.

Thanks for the info, a json api would be better imo cos lot of frontend use json.


#15684 (ツ) johnfound
Created 24.11.2018, read: 3186 times

Thanks for the info, a json api would be better imo cos lot of frontend use json.

Some kind of json API is available right now. The chat is implemented by SSE and there is an events push service that handles real-time events.

But for now, only the chat events are handled. Later I am planning to implement other kind of events in order to enhance the forum features. But it is very unlikely that AsmBB will be able to work in a form of SPA. I want to keep the JS-less work to the most possible extent.

As a reference you can check the JS code of the chat here:

API request?

AsmBB v3.0 (check-in: a316dab8b98d07d9); SQLite v3.42.0 (check-in: 831d0fb2836b71c9);
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