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Test copy and paste image in message

#16378 (ツ) zetrader
Last edited: 02.02.2024 by zetrader, read: 1738 times

Checking copy and paste image, it worked as attached file, but how to display it in the message? Edit : test with the url of the attached file : My picture

Ok, it works :-)


Attached files:
FileSizeUploadedDownloadsMD5 hash
image.png536739 bytes02.02.2024347bc876b276526594035249d733a57f639
#16379 (ツ) zetrader
Last edited: 02.02.2024 by zetrader, read: 1730 times

Testing answer from the smartphone 🤗😘 It works with some nice emojis 🤩 But i can't see the submit button, I have to put display like a computer to see it and send the message. When the message is sent, displaying is nice on the smartphone, display topics and messages is mobile friendly 👌

#16383 (ツ) JosephStalin
Created 12.03.2024, read: 1547 times

Who wants this book

69 lol

Attached files:
FileSizeUploadedDownloadsMD5 hash
69.png122012 bytes12.03.2024220997c459aba8e31d2e35334640b69c5cb

Test copy and paste image in message

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