johnfound Thanks!
Actually, I saw this information by chance. I have long seen that the pictures in my posts are not displayed, I went to correct (it turned out that you changed the tag). I also looked at the site with a rating and saw that this was the first month when Asm began to grow. And this growth continues.
In general, what do you think about the growth of Asm popularity? Why does it even sometimes, but happens? What is it in your opinion - a measurement error or are there any rational reasons? After all, around so many HLL, and millions of flies can not be wrong?
KyberMax In general, what do you think about the growth of Asm popularity? Why does it even sometimes, but happens? What is it in your opinion - a measurement error or are there any rational reasons? After all, around so many HLL, and millions of flies can not be wrong?
Well, I think actually, that the popularity of assembly language is highly underestimated. It is a kind of tabooed language. Like something indecent, which everyone does, but nobody talks about it in public.
So, I am trying to demonstrate that it is not indecent at all, but a decent programming language that has many advantages over the HLLs.
johnfound Like something indecent, which everyone does, but nobody talks about it in public. ;-)
It sounds very funny. You can imagine how the HLL programmer comes home, removes the fly's proboscis, unfastens the wings of the fly and slips to the monitor with indecent knowledge and begins to assemble furiously.
Maybe everything is a bit more prosaic: did a measurement error occur due to the advent of technology with a similar name Web Assembly?
By the way, the time of appearance of this technology coincides with the beginning of the growth of Asm.
KyberMax Maybe everything is a bit more prosaic: did a measurement error occur due to the advent of technology with a similar name Web Assembly?
No, it is not the case with Tiobe. Especially for assembly language they use the following query:
+"assembly language programming"
Notice the quotes - the search engines will never return sites about "webassembly" with this query.
Well, I have to confess that I have a hand in this affair, but in totally different case.
There was a confusion with the used in C# "assemblies" (kind of libraries) but the opposite way - decreasing the statistics results. This is long story, but I have described it and you can read it here: Тиобе, статистика и асемблер. Think you will not have a problem with the language.
johnfound I have to confess that I have a hand... This is long story, but I have described it and you can read it here: Тиобе, статистика и асемблер...
Yes, this is a really cool story. Now it is clear that the correlation with the Web Assembler is random.
johnfound Especially for assembly language they use the following query: +"assembly language programming"
You are right, moreover right now compared with + "assembly programming": the difference is even greater than in your article (1,340,000 versus 442,000) - 3 times.
I looked at whether there is a correlation of Asm graph with other languages. Look at the result:
Interestingly, when the popularity of these languages falls, Asm becomes popular and vice versa. It seems that programmers are torn between languages, giving up on one thing or another...
Still, a big sharp drop followed by the same recovery on the C and Java charts looks very strange. What do you think about it?
KyberMax Still, a big sharp drop followed by the same recovery on the C and Java charts looks very strange. What do you think about it?
Well, I don't know actually. I have never studied the HLL popularity in deep. But we are living in a transitional period, when the technology reached its limits, so some panic and feverish movements are expected and normal. With the time everything will settle down to some optimal configuration.
johnfound ...we are living in a transitional period, when the technology reached its limits, so some panic and feverish movements are expected and normal.
Yes, but the drop in C rating is almost three times. It is more like the author lived somewhere in Australia at that time and smoked eucalyptus leaves in the company of koalas and kangaroos.