I made a qucick translation for the text constant file, I put this here because I know nothing about fossil and the github repo is just a mirror.
cUsersOnlineTitle itext EN: "Online Users", \
RU: "Активные потребители", \
BG: "Активни потребители", \
FR: "Utilisateurs en ligne"
cPostDeleteTitle itext EN: "Delete confirmation", \
RU: "Подтверждение удаления", \
BG: "Потвърждаване на изтриване",\
FR: "Confirmer la suppression"
cPostRestoreTitle itext EN: "Restore to old version", \
RU: "Восстановить предыдущую версию", \
BG: "Възстановяване до предна версия",\
FR: "Restaurer l’ancienne version"
cHistoryTitle itext EN: "Post edition history", \
RU: "История редакции", \
BG: "История на редакциите", \
FR: "Historique d’édition"
cForumSettingsTitle itext EN: "Forum settings page", \
RU: "Настройки форума", \
BG: "Настройки на форума", \
FR: "Paramètres du forum"
cPostingInTitle itext EN: "Posting in: ", \
RU: "Написать в: ", \
BG: "Публикация в: ", \
FR: "Posté dans :"
cSearchResultsTitle itext EN: "Search results for: ", \
RU: "Результаты поиска: ", \
BG: "Резултати от търсенето на: ", \
FR: "Résultats de la recherche :"
cNewThreadTitle itext EN: "New thread posting", \
RU: "Новая тема", \
BG: "Нова тема", \
FR: "Poster un nouveau message"
cLoginDialogTitle itext EN: "Login", \
RU: "Вход", \
BG: "Включване", \
FR: "Connexion"
cUserProfileTitle itext EN: "Profile for: ", \
RU: "Профиль потребителя: ", \
BG: "Потребителски профил: " \
FR: "Profil de :"
cEditingPageTitle itext EN: "Editing page: ", \
RU: "Редактирование: ", \
BG: "Редактиране на: ", \
FR: "Éditer la page:"
cEditingThreadTitle itext EN: "Editing thread: ", \
RU: "Редактирование темы: ", \
BG: "Редактиране на тема: ", \
FR: "Éditer le sujet:"
cSQLiteConsoleTitle itext EN: "WARNING! SQLite console. You can destroy your database here!", \
RU: "ВНИМАНИЕ! Конзоль SQLite. Возможно повреждение базы данных!", \
BG: "ВНИМАНИЕ! SQLite конзола. От тук е възможно да повредите базата данни!", \
FR: "ATTENTION ! Console SQLite. Vous pouvez détruire votre base de données !"
cCreateAdminTitle itext EN: "Create the admin account!", \
RU: "Создание учетную запись администратора!", \
BG: "Създаване на потребител администратор!", \
FR: "Créer le compte administrateur !"
cThreadListTitle itext EN: "Threads list ", \
RU: "Темы ", \
BG: "Теми ", \
FR: "Liste des sujets"
cChatTitle itext EN: "Chat ", \
RU: "Чат ", \
BG: "Чат ", \
FR: "Tchat"
cAnonName itext EN: "Anon", \
RU: "Анон", \
BG: "Анон", \
FR: "Anon"
cEmptySearch itext EN: "The search found nothing. Try another keywords.", \
RU: "Поиск не нашел ничего. Попробуйте другой запрос.", \
BG: "Търсенето не намери нищо. Опитайте с други думи.", \
FR: "La recherche n’a rien renvoyer. Essayer d’autres mots-clés."
As I undestand the template traduction, I need to translate the wasp directory, no matter I want to use the Light template, right ? As a quick exemple, I translated the thread_info.tpl file :
<div class="thread_summary">
<div class="thread_info">
<div class="flex">
[case:[Pinned]||<img class="pinned" src="[special:skin]/_images/pinned.png" alt="!" title="Sujet épinglé">]
[case:[limited]||<img height="32" width="32" class="unread" src="[special:skin]/_images/limited.svg" alt="#" title="Sujet à accès limité">]
[case:[Unread]||<a href="[FirstUnread]/!by_id">]
<img height="32" width="32" class="unread" src="[special:skin]/_images/posts[case:[Unread]|_gray|].svg" alt="[case:[Unread]||>]" title="[case:[Unread]|Pas de messages non lu|Aller au prmier non lu]">[case:[Unread]||</a>]
[PostCount] [case:[PostCount]|posts|post|posts]
[case:[Unread]||<div class="unread_cnt">( [Unread] unread ) <a href="[Slug]/!markread" title="Mark thread read"><img width="16" height="16" src="[special:skin]/_images/markread.svg" alt="X"></a></div>]
<div class="unread_cnt">[ReadCount] [case:[ReadCount]|views|view|views]</div>
<div class="changed">[TimeChanged]</div>
<div class="thread_right">
<div class="thread_link">
<a class="thread_link" href="[Slug]/">[Caption]</a><br>
<label><input type="checkbox" class="collapseit"><ul class="small comma posters">[html:[Posters]]</ul></label>
<label><input type="checkbox" class="collapseit"><ul class="small comma invited">[html:[Invited]]</ul></label>
<ul class="small comma thread_tags">[html:[ThreadTags]]</ul>
Is it rightly translated, no forgotten strings ? If yes, it will be really quick to translate the whole template.
Edit : add files as attachements because of the code block