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Register new user has misleading error message

#15569 (ツ) crustyoz
Created 17.10.2018, read: 3892 times

Registration asks for a nick(name) plus email address. If the email address is used already then an error is reported. The report refers to the nickname and not the email address. This might be to reduce the amount of information presented about existing users to avoid spammers, but a better error report might be "Nickname and/or email address is/are already in use. Please choose other value(s)."

#15580 (ツ) crustyoz
Created 21.10.2018, read: 3876 times

I have read this thread at least 3 times myself. The Thread List entry reports it has been read 8 times. That might mean 8 different users have read it. The title of the original post says that it has been read 15 times. Subtracting my count (3), suggests that others have read it multiple times also (15 - 3 = 12 vs 8).

#15582 (ツ) johnfound
Last edited: 21.10.2018 by johnfound, read: 3874 times

I have read this thread at least 3 times myself. The Thread List entry reports it has been read 8 times. That might mean 8 different users have read it. The title of the original post says that it has been read 15 times. Subtracting my count (3), suggests that others have read it multiple times also (15 - 3 = 12 vs 8).

It is simply because the term "read" for the threads and for the posts is a little bit fuzzy. And so the counters are not precise. I don't like this situation, but it seems there is simply no reliable way to count such things.

The logic of the counters can be seen here:

And I am not very sure this logic is correct. :-)

Register new user has misleading error message

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